Priceless Pet Reactions to Going to the Vet


Animals enjoy visiting the vet about as much as humans enjoy going to the dentist. It’s one of those unavoidable parts of life that always seems to sneak up on you.

Here’s a collection of pictures capturing the exact moment animals realise they’re on their way to the vet.

Some of these images are funny, while others might make you grateful that you’re not the one in the exam room!

Don’t Move a Muscle.

This cat has clearly reached the point of no return—it’s already inside the vet’s office. Now, all that’s left is to try and hide in any way possible.

It’s quite an impressive attempt! The cat seems to have some self-awareness, noticing how well its fur blends with the cotton balls and the white walls around it. So close, yet so far. Unfortunately for the cat, it’s only a matter of time before the vet pulls it out of its hiding spot and gets to work. A+ for effort though.

Hold Me

This dog isn’t shy about showing her fear at the vet. Despite her size, all she wants is some love and comfort from her owner while nervously waiting in the vet’s office.

She may look intimidating in any other setting, but the moment she steps into the vet’s office, she turns into a big, scared baby.

It wouldn’t surprise us if she wasn’t the only large dog sitting on its owner’s lap, terrified of what’s to come. One can only imagine a room full of big dogs curled up on their owners, all recoiling from the inevitable vet visit.

You Tricked Me! 

This is the face of a dog who just realised he’s been duped into a vet visit. His owner probably lured him into the car with promises of treats and toys, only to pull up at the dreaded vet clinic.

The linoleum floors and people in medical scrubs are unmistakable signs that can only mean one thing: the vet.

The expression on this dog’s face says it all—pure betrayal. He trusted his owner, and now, that trust is shattered. This may very well be the most disappointing he’s ever been. One thing’s for surehe won’t be hopping into the car so easily next time.

Wait, Where Are We Going? 

This poor pup just figured out they passed the dog park and are headed somewhere much less exciting. This photo is solid proof that dogs are incredibly perceptive and can express their emotions in ways that are hard to miss.

You can see the shock and horror written all over this dog’s face as the realisation dawns on him. We can only imagine how long he stared at the driver like this, hoping to turn things around.

Sadly, it wasn’t enough to stop the inevitable trip to the vet. In his mind, the vet’s office might as well be a graveyard—it’s basically the same thing, right?

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide.

This cat knows it’s over. She’s at the vet now, and there’s no escape. But even though the odds are against her, she’s not giving up without a fight. With every ounce of determination, she’s prepared to resist for as long as she can.

Though we all know her efforts won’t change the outcome, it’s easy to imagine her slipping into a drawer, shutting it tight, and avoiding the vet altogether. Sadly, we know how this story ends. Better luck next time, little kitty.

Displeased Doggo.

This large pup doesn’t seem frightened at all—just downright annoyed with his owners for tricking him into a vet visit. We can imagine him giving his humans this same scolding look for the entire ride there and back.

No treat in the world could make up for the betrayal he feels. Maybe a fun outing to the beach or a romp at the park could start to patch things up, but by the look on his face, it seems like the damage is done. At least they let him ride shotgun on the way!

Sink Sanctuary.

It’s no secret that cats are pros at finding hiding spots, especially when they’re at the vet. This sneaky feline sought refuge inside a sink, and we bet this isn’t the first cat to come up with this clever idea.

Surrounded by medical and cleaning supplies, this kitty cautiously peeks out, scanning for any signs of danger.

Right at that moment, the owner managed to snap a photo of this frightened feline. While the cat endures a nerve-wracking experience, we can’t help but chuckle at how amusing it is from the outside.

Extreme Measures for Extreme Times.

Cats are typically known for their elegance and cleanliness, so it’s rare to catch a house cat acting like a scavenging raccoon.

But this cat threw dignity to the wind, diving into a trash can for safety at the vet’s office. When the situation calls for it, pride takes a backseat.

This kitty decided the trash was a safer option than facing whatever the vet had in store. Honestly, it’s one of the more creative hiding spots—who would think to check the garbage bin for their cat?

A Moment of Realisation.

This little dog’s expression says it all this is the exact second she realised where the car was headed. You can see the panic in her eyes as she contemplates her entire life and tries to figure out a way to escape her impending fate.

We can’t help but wonder, what is it about the vet that makes animals react like they’ve seen a ghost? Here’s hoping everything went smoother than this pup imagined and her visit wasn’t as terrifying as she feared.

Don’t Let Them Take Me!

This poor dog had to be physically carried to the vet, and judging by his expression, it’s clear that it’s going to be quite the challenge to get him to let go.

He clings to his owner, full of concern for his own well-being, and the only thing bringing him any comfort is holding on for dear life.

You can practically feel his anxiety just by looking at his face. It must have been quite the scene when they walked through the vet’s front door. Hang in there, buddy—it’s going to be okay!

Oh No, This Is It!

This dog has the classic look of someone who just realised they’re on the way to the vet. His wide eyes and silent expression show that he’s trying to come to terms with his fate before panic sets in. He probably knows they’re not far away now!

We’ve never seen such a look of worry on a dog’s face—it’s almost cartoon-like! Hopefully, his trip to the vet wasn’t as bad as he anticipated. Stay strong, little guy!

How Could You?

This dog is clearly not pleased with her owner. Her expression says it all—betrayed and perhaps thinking, “Are you serious?” If she could speak, we imagine she’d have a lot to say about this situation.

She definitely looks like the type of dog that could hold a grudge. We can’t tell if she’s scared, angry, or just disappointed,

but one thing is for sure: she is not happy about going to the vet. Hopefully, she’ll get a well-deserved treat after this ordeal!

Mom, I Don’t Wanna Go!

This pup’s mom is doing her best to provide comfort by shielding him from view—or at least trying to. Sorry, little guy, but you’re not exactly a tiny puppy anymore, and your mom might need a bigger sweater if you’re planning to hide that whole body of yours.

We know you’re dreading the vet, but it’s for your own good! You need those shots to stay healthy and keep chasing squirrels in the yard. Don’t worry—we see some tasty treats in your future!

How Dare You? 

This dog has definitely seen better days. The expression on its face says it all – pure disgust as it realises what’s in store for the day.

Though it knows it can’t control the situation, it’s making it abundantly clear to its owner that it strongly disapproves of everything happening.

The dog’s look is comparable to a mother seeing her child’s disappointing report card. If we were the owner, we’d think twice before putting our fingers anywhere near that dog’s mouth—it clearly isn’t happy.

I Trusted You… 

This dog looks like she’s just endured the full vet experience and is now giving her owner a withering glance on the ride home.

There’s no fear or suspense in her eyes, just the cold acceptance of defeat. Betrayed, she found herself at the vet’s office, despite her best hopes.

All the trust built between them vanished the moment they arrived at the clinic. Her expression seems to say, “Not cool, man, not cool,” as they drive away from the vet’s parking lot.

Not a Happy Cat.

Much like the dog before, this cat is doing everything in its power to avoid being discovered at the vet. Though it didn’t find an open drawer to hide in, it has resorted to shoving its head under anything that might offer some protection. The look on its face speaks of complete and utter despair, knowing its fate is already sealed.

All that’s left to do now is wait and silently express its displeasure for the torment inflicted. You can be sure this cat sought some sort of revenge on its owner once they returned home.

Not Going Willingly.

For this dog, going to the vet seems to be a bigger problem for the owner than for itself. The size of this dog makes it impossible to simply drag him on a leash, leaving the owner with no choice but to hoist him over their shoulder.

Nearly as big as its owner, this dog has decided to make the trip to the vet as difficult as possible for everyone but himself. All he has to do is transform into a giant, furry deadweight, ensuring his point is made loud and clear.

Two for One.

Here, we have not one, but two sceptical cats awaiting their inevitable fate at the vet’s office. It’s been a rough day for this duo.

First, they were stuffed into their cat carriers. Then, they endured the dreaded car ride without knowing their destination.

And just when they thought it couldn’t get worse, their owner had the nerve to bring them to the cold, sterile vet’s office.

The audacity! Despite everything, these two cuties are sticking together, hiding in an open cabinet. If only they could close the doors behind them – they might have a shot at winning this round of hide-and-seek!

They Can’t See Me, Right?

You keep thinking that, little buddy. Unfortunately, we hate to burst your bubble, but yes, we can see you. Though, to be fair, you’re doing a pretty great job of blending in with your surroundings.

With your tiny size and muted fur, we almost missed you for a second! Still, we know it’s only a matter of time before the vet walks through that door. We get it—this is tough for any cat to hear, but remember, it’s all for your own good.

Sink Sanctuary.

Why are cats so obsessed with sinks? It seems like every scaredy-cat at the vet’s office treats the sink like a safe haven.

Whatever the reason, we’ve got to give credit to these clever felines who refuse to surrender to the “evil vet.” Unfortunately, this particular kitty isn’t doing much to hide.

Curiosity got the better of her, and now her adorable little head is popping out for all to see. Plus, her black and brown fur really stands out against the white sink. Oh well, at least you tried, kitty!

Oh No, It’s That Time Again.

This poor pup has just heard the worst news: today’s the day of the dreaded vet appointment. With that realisation, there’s not much left to do but mope around the house until the inevitable moment arrives.

In a dramatic display of despair, this dog covers his face with a blanket, hoping to hide from reality. It’s not something you see every day from a dog, but it perfectly captures just how much they dread going to the vet.

Please, Can We Just Go Home?

One glance at this distressed dog’s face, and it’s clear he’s figured out the harsh truth—his owner isn’t taking him to the park as promised. Nope, this poor corgi is headed to the vet for a certain… snip-snip procedure. 

Unfortunately, his cute little face won’t get him out of this one, and those metal bars aren’t budging. Hang in there, corgi! Lots of dogs go through this every year,

and it’ll be over before you know it. Plus, you’ll get to wear the oh-so-fashionable cone of shame for a week!

Is This About the Shoes?

If this adorable dog could speak, we’re sure he’d have a few things to say. First off, is this trip about those shoes you loved so much? Look, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to chew them.

I’ve apologised so many times! And that slobber all over your work shirt? That was just my way of showing affection. 

Please, I’ll be better—I promise! No more chewing shoes, no more stealing food off your plate (though, in my defence, you shouldn’t leave it where I can reach it), and definitely no more accidents inside. Just please, let’s go home!

Can’t We Just Cuddle? 

This adorable puppy may be small, but she’s smart enough to know exactly where she is—and she’s not happy about it. Her sad, soulful eyes tug at our hearts as she waits for what’s coming next. It’s tough to look at this photo without wanting to scoop her up and reassure her.

If we were her owners, it would be so hard to bring her to the vet knowing how scared she is. But she doesn’t realise it’s just a routine visit, and soon enough, the discomfort will be over. A few minutes of unease for a lifetime of health!

Don’t Move Any Closer.

Here we have a cat that’s taken refuge in the cold, stainless steel sink at the vet’s office. But unlike the usual frightened cats, this one means business.

With his ears pinned back and those intense green eyes locked on his target, he’s not one to be messed with.

One look at this feline and you know you need to proceed with caution. For the sake of his owner and the vet, we hope he calmed down—or at least kept his claws to himself!

Stay Back, Human! 

This tiny cat may be small, but she’s got the heart of a lion! One step closer, and she’s ready to fight. Don’t be fooled by her size cats are known for their wild antics, and this one is no exception.

By the look on her face, it seems like she’s been to the vet a few times and knows exactly what’s in store. She might not win the battle, but she’s certainly going to make it a challenging day for the vet and their team!

Puppy Eyes.

 This full-grown German Shepherd is giving his best puppy-dog eyes, trying to avoid his vet visit. Normally, this tactic might work, but it looks like the game is already up—he’s sitting on the cold metal table, ready for his checkup.

He seems to be looking to his owner for a way out, but instead of rescuing him, the owner snapped this picture. It’s all for your own good, buddy—there’s probably a big treat waiting for you afterward!

On the Lookout.

This cautious cat has her guard up—big time. She’s tucked herself into the vet’s sink, thinking that by keeping still, she might just avoid detection. Unfortunately for her, those huge eyes and perky ears give her away!

We feel for you, little one, but you’re already at the vet. The best thing to do is accept your fate. The good news? It’ll be over soon, and we bet there’s some catnip waiting for you at home!

This Isn’t PetSmart… 

This poor dog looks genuinely disappointed. Maybe it’s his first trip to the vet, and he had no idea what was coming. He’s sitting on the cold metal table, looking embarrassed after being poked and prodded by the vet staff.

It seems like he’s made up his mind—he’s not coming back here willingly. Little does he know that this won’t be his last visit, so he might want to be a little more cautious next time he gets into the car!

I’ll Come Out For 500 More Treats.

Ah, the classic trick with a treat! Do humans really think they can lure me out from under this cosy bench with just one treat? Do they truly believe I’m that easy to fool?

I’m onto their plan! I know exactly what will happen the moment I step closer for a nibble. They’ll grab me and whisk me away to that cold, sterile room with the ice-cold table.

But, fine, I’ll take the treat… Oh wait, this treat is actually delicious. Got any more? I’ll happily come out for 500 more. Thanks!

How Did This Happen?

It’s easy to imagine how this day began. The pups woke up excited, tails wagging, ready for an adventure. When their mom mentioned the park, they couldn’t jump into the car fast enough. Little did they know, the destination wasn’t a fun day at the park—it was the vet’s office.

Realising the betrayal, they made desperate attempts to hide behind mom’s chair, but there just wasn’t enough room for both of them.

Stay Back!

This kitten may be tiny, but she’s full of attitude and ready to take on the world—right after she figures out how to escape the vet’s office.

We have to hand it to this fierce little feline. While many cats hide in cabinets or sinks, this one is ready to stand her ground! She may only weigh a few pounds, but she’s determined to show everyone who’s boss.

They Definitely Can’t See Me.

Sure, that last kitten was brave, but she’s also young and doesn’t yet grasp how the world works. This cat, on the other hand, is a seasoned pro. She’s lived through enough of her nine lives to know that sticking up for yourself isn’t always worth it.

Instead, she’s chosen a stealthy approach—hiding in plain sight. Her strategy is clever, but unfortunately, we can still see her.

I Promise I’ll Go On That Diet If We Just Go Home!

We can only imagine the conversations this cat had with his owner. After being told countless times to go on a diet, he continued sneaking into the cat food bag and napping for most of the day.

But now that the vet is involved, his attitude has suddenly shifted.It seems like he’s ready to make promises, but actions speak louder than words, little guy!

Really, Brenda?

This corgi’s face says it all—pure betrayal. First, his owner made him wear that outdated Christmas scarf, and now she’s taken him to the vet? Seriously, mom?

What we love about this dog is his attitude. He’s not hiding or panicking. Instead, he’s calmly accepting his fate, but not without making sure his owner feels guilty for the entire ordeal.

How Did You Find Me?

This pup’s sad little face is heartbreaking! His puppy eyes, those tiny paws—it’s almost too much to handle. He’s clearly terrified, probably because he’s never been to the vet before.

Attempting to hide under a chair, the poor guy is just trying to make sense of what’s happening. We hope his visit was short and followed by lots of yummy treats.

Will You Hold My Hand?

This picture tugs at our heartstrings. It shows just how much our dogs rely on us for comfort. This brave pup knows he has to go to the vet and understands it’s for his own good.

But that doesn’t stop him from reaching out for a little support from his human. And honestly, we can all relate. Sometimes, we all need a hand—or paw—to hold during tough times.

Surprised at the Vet.

The expression on this cat’s face says it all – pure shock! You can only wonder what emotions will follow. Is it fear? Anger? Maybe even sadness? That’s still up for debate.

One thing is certain, though: this feline definitely didn’t expect a vet visit when he woke up this morning.

But here he is, stuck in his owner’s arms with no escape in sight. The best course of action now? Accept his fate. Hang in there, buddy – it’ll be over before you know it!

Betrayed by a Lie.

This little French Bulldog might be small, but his attitude is anything but! Can you blame him, though? He was likely told he’d be heading to the park, only to end up en route to the vet instead.

Even before reaching the office, he’s already figured out his owner’s true intentions. He seems pretty sharp, and with that brainpower, who knows? Maybe he’ll manage to hatch an escape plan before he finds himself in the cold, sterile vet’s room!

Attempted Hide-and-Seek.

Here’s a dog channelling his inner cat, trying to pull off the same hiding trick we’ve seen before. The only issue? He’s a bit too big to pull it off effectively.

You can see how terrified he is just by glancing at his tucked tail. We feel for you, buddy. It might seem scary, but trust us – the vet’s not as bad as you think. You’ve got this!

Not-So-Invisible Camouflage.

This poor pup clearly missed the memo that standard green and brown camouflage isn’t a universal cloak of invisibility. After learning he was heading to the vet, he burrowed under a camo blanket, probably thinking he had disappeared from sight.

Unfortunately, the camouflage doesn’t blend very well with the red plaid dog bed or hardwood floor. Oh, and his entire rear end is still sticking out! His owners likely spotted him right away and whisked him off to the vet. Nice try, though!

Utter Disgust.

Just one look at this dog’s face and it’s clear – his owners deceived him. They likely promised a fun trip to the park or a playdate with his doggie pals.

But as the car made its familiar route to the vet, the realisation hit hard, and his expression turned to pure disgust. While his one blue eye might exaggerate his grumpiness,

there’s no doubt that this pup is not thrilled. At least he’s riding up front – that’s a small silver lining, right?

Hiding in Plain Sight.

Now, this is a better hiding spot! A small black-and-white dog has taken refuge under a waiting room table. Luckily for him, the table is cluttered with distractions for the humans around him.

If someone happens to get engrossed in a magazine about flattering their “bust, butt, hips, arms, and more,”

they might just forget they’re even at the vet! Stranger things have happened, after all. We wish you luck, little one – stay hidden!

A Glimpse of Sheer Terror.

In this image, the cat’s wide-eyed expression of pure fear is undeniable. Her unusually bright blue eyes are as round as marbles, creating a look of someone who’s just fled from a terrifying ordeal.

What adds to the humour is the nurse holding her, exaggerating the cat’s terror with her own eyes opened as wide as possible, as if mocking the poor feline’s panic. Hopefully, this unsettling moment was just a brief episode during an otherwise routine vet visit.

A Bittersweet Farewell?

This touching photo features two dogs, one sitting inside a car and the other clinging to the window from the outside. The pair seem to understand what lies ahead. The dog in the car appears to have accepted her fate, knowing she’s about to face a trip to the vet.

Meanwhile, her concerned friend, hanging on for dear life, looks deeply worried about what’s to come. It almost feels like they’re exchanging a heartfelt goodbye, though we certainly hope it’s just a temporary separation!

Another Creative Hiding Spot.

Pets at the vet will try anything to avoid their impending check-up. Cats tend to be more resourceful at this, but as this dog shows, they can also attempt to hide in amusing places. Perhaps he thought, “If I blend in with the brown desk, maybe they won’t see me.

” More likely, though, he just darted for the nearest corner, hoping to delay the inevitable. Eventually, he’ll have to face the vet and prove himself to be the brave pup we know he is.

“I WILL Go Psycho on You”

This cat’s menacing glare suggests she’s ready to unleash chaos on anyone who crosses her. And unfortunately for the woman driving, she seems to be in the line of fire. The car ride probably started off innocently enough, with the cat imagining a fun outing or a trip to pick up some treats.

But once she realised the destination was the vet, things took a sharp turn, transforming her into the fierce creature we see in the photo. Maybe a crate or muzzle would be a wise investment for future trips.

Getting as Low as Possible.

This dog has taken hiding to the next level, squeezing as low as she can under the dashboard. Her eyes pleaded with her owner, “Please don’t take me to the vet—I’ll do anything you want!”

What makes her even more unique are her remarkably human-like eyes, which only add to the difficulty of resisting her plea. It would be hard to say “no” to such a soulful, human-looking gaze, wouldn’t it?

Far Beyond the Point of No Return.

This cat clearly knows she’s heading to the vet, and it seems her reaction was so intense that she had to be restrained upon arrival. While it’s undoubtedly an unpleasant experience for the cat,

the sight of her bundled up is undeniably amusing for those of us who aren’t going through the ordeal.

The contrast between her tiny, seemingly harmless appearance and her need for such strong restraint is quite humorous—especially to those who haven’t faced the fury of an angry feline.

I Might Need Some Prozac.

This poor dog looks utterly defeated at the thought of the vet. His face is so full of despair, it’s as if he’s just heard the worst news possible far beyond a routine trip to the doctor. He looks like he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Maybe the vet can prescribe some canine antidepressants to help ease his anxiety for future visits. Though rare, antidepressants are sometimes given to dogs, but we have a feeling this pup will be just fine once the appointment is over.

You Wouldn’t Hurt Someone as Small as Me, Would You?

Oh my goodness, this little pup is melting hearts! This might be his first trip to the vet, given how young and tiny he looks. But even with a gentle first visit, he’s already looking sad and miserable atop that cold, metal exam table.

The vet tech seems amused, though, possibly holding back a smile at the pup’s overly dramatic “sad puppy” expression. It’s hard not to be charmed by those classic sad eyes.

I’m Not Going, and You Can’t Make Me.

This dog has come up with a clever plan—if he doesn’t want to go to the vet, he simply won’t walk there. He’s plopped himself down in the middle of the road and even started showing his teeth when his owner tried to coax him along.

He’s a large dog too, so carrying him isn’t exactly an option. Out of all the pets on this list, this guy might have the best shot at actually avoiding the vet entirely.

This Is What It Looks Like to Crush a Dog’s Hope.

If you’ve ever wondered what a dog whose spirit has been completely crushed looks like, this is it. On the left, we see a happy, carefree pup with a bright outlook on life.

But somewhere between that photo and the one on the right, she realised she’s heading to the vet. Now, she looks like all hope is gone—at least until her appointment is over, and she forgets all about it until the next time.

Who’s More Upset Here?

There’s something touching about the bond between a pet and their human. In this photo, we see a tight embrace between a golden retriever and what appears to be his human companion. They both look like they’re holding on for dear life.

Hopefully, this is just a routine appointment that has both of them feeling a bit nervous. Even a simple vet visit can be stressful, and maybe they both just needed a comforting hug to get through it.

You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide.

Some animals on this list don’t quite grasp the art of hiding. Take this adorable kitty, for example. She seems to believe that by retreating to the back corner of the vet’s table, she’s magically invisible.

Despite her attempt at vanishing, you can’t help but feel for her. The concerned look on her face suggests she’s just had a shot, perhaps her first, with the cotton ball on her paw as evidence.

She looks absolutely stunned, as if wondering how someone could have done this to her, and she’s clearly trying to distance herself from the person responsible.

One Major Part Left Exposed.

This dog believes he’s outsmarted everyone by hiding under a chair in the vet’s waiting room. He’s probably thinking, “No one can see me here!” But little does he know, his entire back end is sticking out for everyone, including the vet staff, to see.

Unfortunately for him, this sneaky attempt won’t save him from a full examination. Maybe pets need a tutorial on more effective hiding techniques—it’d likely be a hit.

No Way.

After being informed she’s heading to the vet, this dog can’t even close her mouth in disbelief. Just look at that expression! The shock is written all over her face, her mouth hanging open in stunned amazement.

You’d think someone had just told her a cat had become President, judging by her reaction. She seems to be in total denial about her impending vet visit. We wonder if she realises it’ll probably last only 30 minutes, and she’ll get a treat afterward.

Another Sad Case of Car Shock.

There seems to be an epidemic of dogs who, upon realising they’re on their way to the vet, look utterly shocked and disheartened.

Here’s yet another one. This dog looks like he’s lost all hope, as if a vet appointment has stolen his happiness forever.

Have you ever seen something more pitiful? He can’t even bear to look out the window, choosing instead to stare sadly at the floor. Someone give this dog a hug—he could really use one!

A Serious Case of Road Rage.

When you think of “road rage,” this might not be the image that comes to mind. But that’s exactly what’s happening here. Have you ever seen a dog look so angry?

We wonder what trickery was used to get him into the car and how long it took for him to realise he was heading to the vet, not the fun destination he was likely promised. After seeing a look like that, you might want to stay on his good side for a while.

Now We’ve Seen It All.

This dog might take the prize for the most unusual hiding spot in this gallery he’s attempting to hide under a giant stuffed giraffe. It’s a bold move, hiding under a stuffed animal, and it might work if his humans happened to be completely blind and mistook the giraffe for the real patient.

Can you imagine the vet’s reaction if someone brought in a stuffed animal for an appointment? That’s a scenario I’d pay to see! Unfortunately for this clever dog, his hiding tactic probably didn’t go as planned, and he likely ended up at the vet anyway.

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