Delulu women who have an exaggerated feeling of entitlement and feel they deserve the world on a silver platter are becoming more and more common in today’s culture. These women frequently display narcissistic traits, which include putting their wants and needs first and ignoring the needs and feelings of those around them.
They might expect preferential treatment in all spheres of their lives, including relationships, employment, and interpersonal encounters. These ladies, however, are unaware that their grandiosity is detrimental to everyone around them as well as to themselves.
A text conversation, likely between two people. The first message expresses deep regret and longing for a past relationship. The second message acknowledges the sender’s contact.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The third message is aggressive and possessive, expressing a desire to hold onto the relationship. The final message is a concise statement indicating the sender is not interested in further conflict.
The conversation appears to be between two people, with messages exchanged over a while. The messages include expressions of frustration and hurt.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The timestamps show the time each message was sent, ranging from 09:46 to 10:21. One message indicates that a message was deleted, which is marked as 10:04.
The first message expresses a demand for payment for sneakers and the following messages detail what seems to be criticisms about the recipient.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The messages highlight financial struggles, a lack of work ethic, and the recipient’s behavior. The conversation concludes with an expression of surprise and disappointment followed by the final message.
Full shot of a mobile phone conversation, likely a text message exchange. The top message bubble, dark gray/black, says “STOP BLOCKING ME!!!” in all capital letters, with an angry-face emoji positioned before the words.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The bottom message bubble, light blue, says “Stop changing your number.” Below the message, the word “Delivered” is visible.
The content is largely back-and-forth exchanges of short, emotionally charged messages. Early messages express concern, and a desire to end the friendship, followed by requests and statements of refusal.
Photo:@Bored Panda
Later, there are statements of the speaker’s desires and reasons for not wanting contact. The timestamps indicate the messages were exchanged over some time, beginning around 2:49 PM and continuing into the afternoon.
The conversation shows two users exchanging messages. The first user states they hate white people and men. The second user responds with a dismissive and somewhat sarcastic remark.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The second user explains why they swiped right on the first user’s profile. He states they cannot respond.
A social media post, likely on a platform, details a woman’s predicament. The woman is eight months pregnant and describes a romantic date before a crucial doctor’s appointment.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The post concludes by emphasizing that the husband has left the house, taking his belongings and some of hers, suggesting a serious crisis.
A screenshot of a mobile messaging application, likely WhatsApp or iMessage. The first message reads “Do you know what would make me happy right now?” and underneath that “Tell me”.
Photo:@Bored Panda
Below these messages is a picture of a table with food. Three small dishes/plates, each with a different food, are arranged on a larger platter.
The conversation is between two people, likely a woman identified as “ALEXIS” and another identified as “ASTER”. The content of the messages from ASTER expresses strong feelings of affection and desperation for a relationship to resume.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The wording is highly emotional, using phrases such as “I will give up everything,” “I’m begging,” “I need you in my life,” and “I’m literally in love with you”.
A conversation, likely from a social media platform like Reddit or Discord, displayed in a text-based format. The conversation appears to be a dialogue between two individuals, identified as “ME” and “BREY,”.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The text is formatted with each speaker’s message appearing under a labeling identifier (ME or BREY), suggesting a conversational thread.
The top portion of the conversation shows a green bubble containing the message “You’re trying to make everything a fight”. There’s another message “Really says the girl who wrote me thirsty text messages while I was in a meeting”.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The next piece is another green bubble that reads “I am trying to make it a fight?”. A subsequent green bubble says “It wasn’t thirty”. The final green bubble displays “Got delivered as thirty”.
The t-shirt on the left, worn by a man, has the words “Still In Love” in a gold color, with a small red heart graphic between the words. Below this, the phrase “…with her” is also in gold.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The t-shirt on the right, worn by a woman, says “Too Tired Man” in a larger font, also in gold with red hearts. A small graphic of words under the phrase “Too Tired” is “TO TRAIN A NEW”, all in a smaller font, also in gold.
Several laughing-crying emoji are interspersed throughout the conversation. A small audio clip icon with a duration of 0:31 is visible, suggesting an audio message just before any text.
Photo:@Bored Panda
Sentences offer advice and appear to be part of a disagreement. The tone is confrontational. One message cautions about potentially negative consequences and encourages the recipient to mature and move on.
A screenshot of a chat conversation. The top portion displays a message from one user to another.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The message expresses disappointment and anger, accusing the recipient of ruining
The top portion of the conversation expresses a desire for a better way to communicate feelings without placing blame. A follow-up message includes a “call me when done” request along with emojis.
Photo:@Bored Panda
The last message poses a question about the irony of successive messages. A “No I can’t” response and the site “” are also visible.
Delulu Women Need Some Reality Checks Revealed
In today’s digital age, it is all too common to witness emotionally charged conversations unfold through text messages and social media platforms. These interactions often reveal the raw emotions, insecurities, and vulnerabilities that individuals experience in relationships and communication.
The screenshots and exchanges featured in these conversations highlight the need for open and honest communication, empathy, and respect in all relationships. It is crucial to address conflicts and disagreements calmly and constructively, rather than resorting to anger or manipulation.
Overall, these conversations serve as a reminder that communication is key to fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships.
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