Deep Sea Fisherman Shares His Strangest Catches on Twitter

Meet Roman Fedortsov, a deep-sea fisherman known for sharing photos of his bizarre oceanic finds on Twitter and Instagram.

Operating primarily near the northwestern Russian city of Murmansk, Fedortsov drops probes and fishing lines into the ocean’s depths, pulling up some bizarre and startling creatures.

The ocean’s depths are still largely mysterious to us. Who knew that fish could sport such unusual features, especially teeth like these?

Cheshire Cat of the Sea.

Say hello to the Cheshire Cat of the deep ocean. This grinning creature looks capable of taking a chunk out of a sharkand, if given the chance, it wouldn’t hesitate to take a bite out of your hand. Its menacing smile is just as eerie as it is fascinating.

Hellboy in Fish Form

This next fish bears a striking resemblance to the comic book character Hellboy, with the same distinctive bumps on its head and matching colours. It makes you wonder did Guillermo del Toro ever spot a fish like this while crafting his famous character? And check out that chin! It’s a feature you can’t miss.

A Fence of Teeth.

The rows of teeth on this fish resemble an impenetrable fence barrier no one would want to cross. Those razor-sharp teeth look like they could still cause harm, even after the fish is long gone. It’s clear that even the smallest creatures are equipped for survival in the deep sea in the most extreme ways.

Dragons Exist, Believe It or Not!

If you thought dragons were only legends or creatures from Game of Thrones, think again. They’re real, and they lurk deep beneath the ocean’s surface.

These creatures are the stuff of nightmares. One, in particular, brings to mind the dragon from Shrek You know, the one who marries Donkey.

Look Away if You Dare.

What on earth is happening here? Is that part of the fish, or are those strange, worm-like things coming out of its mouth? Neither option sounds appealing.

Some things are meant to stay hidden at the bottom of the ocean, and this is a prime example.

Teeth Like Daggers.

Meet the lancetfish. Named for its knife-like appearance, this fish sports razor-sharp teeth, like tiny swords. This is precisely why I avoid swimming. You never know what might be lurking below the surface, whether in the ocean, a river, or even a pool.

Are These Even From Earth?

Now, this odd creature is called Psolus phantapus. I don’t like it one bit. Whoever came up with this needs to rethink their design choices.

Is it strange that I kind of want to touch one? Part of me does, but another part of me absolutely doesn’t. This photo needs to disappear before I end up in a confused spiral of curiosity and repulsion!

A Galactic Shark.

You know how people make galaxy-themed t-shirts, cakes, and ice creams on YouTube? Well, meet the “galaxy shark.” That’s not its actual name, of course, but it’s what I’ve chosen to call it. It’s a mesmerising creature, shimmering like the night sky, but trust me this beauty is best admired from afar. If you want to keep all your fingers, don’t get too close.

The Rat Fish.

This is the rat fish, aptly named because we’ll just look at it. It resembles a soggy, unfortunate rodent that’s been lost at sea. In fact, it might look even worse than a drowned rat. The ocean’s depths are truly eerie, filled with bizarre creatures like this. Let’s all agree to avoid that part of the ocean and just pretend it doesn’t exist.

The Basket of Horrors.

If one strange fish isn’t enough, how about five of them crammed together in a basket? Yeah, it’s even more unsettling than you’d imagine. Why are their lips so pink and squishy? Why are they staring at me like that? I don’t like this, not one bit.

The Spotted Sucker.

I’ve decided to name this one the “Spotted Sucker,” though its actual name is the southern stargazer, far too graceful a title for something this bizarre. As if its appearance wasn’t strange enough, it has a trick up its sleeve: it can zap its prey with up to 50 volts of electricity from behind its eyes. Yep, it’s as weird as it sounds.

Why Does It Have Teeth, Though?

Hopefully, you’re not snacking while reading this. This next fish has the mouth of a horse, and honestly, it’s enough to kill anyone’s appetite at least for a moment. This strange combination of fish and horse is unsettling, and I can’t quite wrap my head around why it needs those teeth.

A Mini Kraken.

Finally, something a little more…adorable? I’m not exactly sure what this creature is, but compared to the others, it’s not so bad. Tiny, tentacled, and almost cut except it probably has some sort of deadly toxin hidden away, because that’s just how nature works.


This creature looks like some sort of deep-sea puffer fish. Can anyone out there on the internet help identify it? What’s with its strange flat teeth, and why does it seem like it’s glaring at me? Did I do something to upset it?

Anyone There?

It feels like something terrifying is supposed to emerge from this bizarre opening on the fish. Maybe some long, creepy appendage? Whatever it is, I really hope it stays hidden. I’m not ready to see a fleshy, toothed limb coming out of that strange, squishy creature.

What’s Going On?

This fish reminds me of Bugs Bunny, but instead of chewing on a carrot, it’s giving off a terrifying vibe. Or maybe it looks more like a farmer chewing on hay? Actually, no. It’s just plain scary, and I’m not a fan. Apparently, it’s a one-eyed pirate Wolffish. That stick in its teeth whether it’s part of its body or just stuck there from breakfast I’m not sticking around to find out.

Nothing to See Here.

This fish is casually hanging out at a market, waiting to be cooked. It’s wild to think we’re capable of eating creatures that look like they could easily devour us. It almost feels like an insult to the circle of life. Did we learn nothing from The Lion King?

Have a Nice Day.

Here’s the open mouth of a frilled shark, lined with rows upon rows of tiny, sharp teeth. If you haven’t clicked away from this article yet, you’re probably getting a good look at this predator’s ideal hunting tool. Fisherman Roman Fedortsov says this guy is the perfect predator and I don’t doubt it for a second.

This Can’t Be Real.

This next one feels like something out of a horror movie, too weird to even be imagined by top-tier writers. Is it eating its own snot, or is that its nose dangling into its mouth? Either way, I’m done looking at this one. Time to move on.

Much Better.

Ah, finally, something easier on the eyes. This little fish is actually quite beautiful. The vibrant blue colour is stunning. It’s comforting to know that not all deep-sea creatures resemble nightmare fuel. Let’s end on this peaceful, pretty sight and forget about the nineteen terrifying ones that came before it.

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